
Training 1 Welcome Welcome message from Hannah at Bitbox to the newest member of the Fitbox family. Introduction... Training 10 Invite Users After adding a user, they will appear in the pending list. The pending list contains vital... Training 11 Messaging Introduction to the messaging function under the administration module. Display of message... Training 12 Creating Membership Products ntroduction to the Finance Module in Fitbox Overview of the setup process for the finance... Training 13 Adding Memberships to Members Introduction to attaching memberships to members. Overview of the subscriptions page and its... Training 14 Suspend or Cancel a Membership The video explains the process for members with active subscriptions on how to suspend or... Training 15 Transaction Summary & Failed Payments Introduction to the transaction summary in the finance module of Fitbox. Display of all... Training 17 Creating Classes Introduction to the final module of the training - the coaching module. Focus on setting up... Training 18 Creating Workout Programs Introduction to adding workout programs to classes. Explanation of the one-to-one ratio between... Training 19 Session Screens Introduction to the Session Screen within the Coaching Module Display of the class filtered to... Training 2 Administration & Configuration The video serves as a guide on how to navigate and utilize the administration features of a... Training 3 Groups Introduction to the "Groups" tab. Purpose of creating groups for booking classes or messaging... Training 4 Wellness In the video, the focus is on the wellness settings of the Fitbox app: Wellness Settings in... Training 5 Edit Details and Waivers Edit Details Section: Users can upload a banner for their gym that will be displayed on the... Training 6 Roles & Permissions Introduction to roles and permissions in Fitbox Gym. Explanation of the default role types:... Training 7 Workout Publishing Rules Introduction to the favorites and movement screens. Importance of setting up workout publishing... Training 8 Class & Session Settings The video discusses the global settings in the Fitbox app. The key points covered include:... Training 9 User Management & Creations Introduction to basic configuration settings. Navigating to the administration module to access...
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