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Fitbox Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide


Fitbox Analytics is an integral part of the Fitbox platform, designed to offer users insightful data on their gym management. This article walks users through accessing and interpreting various dashboards and reports within Fitbox Analytics.

Accessing Fitbox Analytics

  1. Navigate to your Fitbox dashboard.
  2. From the menu, select Reporting.
  3. Click on Fitbox Analytics to launch the analytics dashboard.

Note: The first time you access the analytics dashboard each day, there may be a slight delay as servers start up.

Overview of Dashboards

1. Business Dashboard

  • Active Members: Counts of members in Fitbox set to 'active'.
  • Paying Members: Members invoiced in the last 30 days.
  • Monthly Average Revenue Per Paying Member: Calculated by dividing monthly revenue through the system by the number of paying members. This metric does not factor in members paying outside the system, such as cash payments.
  • Current Lifetime Value of a Paying Member: Incorporates churn rate to estimate the average value a member brings to the gym.
  • Date Range Filter: Adjusting the date range affects displayed data, especially new and lost members and churn rate.
  • Gender Distribution: Displays member distribution by gender. It's advisable to complete this data as it affects leaderboards and churn prediction models.
  • Top Five Products by Revenue: Shows the most revenue-generating memberships/products.
  • Churn Rate: Represents the percentage of members leaving each month. For instance, a 10% churn rate for a gym with 100 members means 10 members are leaving each month.

2. Member Dashboard

  • Displays data for a specific member selected from a drop-down list.
  • Provides insights on membership duration, attendance, payment status, and transaction history.

3. Attendance Dashboard

  • Gives an overview of gym attendance.
  • Displays total sessions, average attendees per session, and a breakdown of attendance by time slot and day.
  • Useful for staffing decisions and determining class viability.

4. Finance Analysis

  • Offers a detailed breakdown of gym finances based on member invoicing.
  • Provides current revenue stats, monthly average revenue per member, and revenue by product.
  • Allows users to drill down into specific data hierarchies for more detailed insights.

5. Retention Analysis

[The transcript ends here, so detailed content about this dashboard is unavailable.]


Fitbox Analytics provides gym owners and managers with a comprehensive understanding of their business operations. Regularly reviewing these metrics can guide decision-making, optimize offerings, and enhance member satisfaction.

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